Who We Are
AgrIInstitute: Leadership, Cultivated
AgrIInstitute prepares leaders to advance agriculture and serve the industry’s related communities. AgrIInstitute serves a robust network of agriculture and rural leaders through leadership development and meaningful dialogue on matters that enhance the capacity of the industry’s most important asset — People. Programming to support leadership and communication about important agriculture and rural community topics is at the core of all AgrIInstitute initiatives.
A cornerstone of the AgrIInstitute programming is the Indiana Agricultural Leadership Program (ALP). ALP involves a series of seminars that are designed to seed knowledge and advance the capacity of agricultural leadership. These educational opportunities are unique to each class experience and planned to build core competencies that foster leadership and personal development.
The “Thought Leaders” and “Leadering Essentials” program offer additional opportunities for dialogue, learning and skill enhancement.
The work of AgrIInstitute is supported through participation fees, grants, event fundraising and donations from individuals and corporate investors who are committed to leadership cultivated and connected in agriculture and rural communities. AgrIInstitute’s generous donors provide approximately 75% of the total participation costs for each participant in the Agricultural Leadership Program, keeping it an affordable leadership develop program.
“Hoosier Energy recognizes the need for strong community leadership throughout the 48 Indiana counties where our rural electric members provide electric service, and we know that leadership wears many hats – political leadership, civic leadership, moral and cultural leadership. The AgrIInstitute provides the best organization we’ve seen for encouraging and incubating the needed leadership that adds to the strength, vitality, and prospects for success in rural communities.
-Harold Gutzwiller, Economic Developments and Key Accounts Manager, Hoosier Energy